Tarot Tuesdays
Think of a question you want to ask the Universe and choose a card below.
Messages will be revealed later today.
Blessings to all!Â
Tarot Tuesdays
Choose a card deck you are most drawn to.Â
A – Angel Tarot Cards
B – The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck
C – Energy Oracle Cards
Messages will be revealed later today.
Blessings to all!Â
Tarot Tuesdays – Pick a card deck A or BÂ
Messages will be revealed later today.
Blessings to all!Â
Card A – Healing Stone Nature Spirits
Card Meaning: Joy. Delight. Peaks of carefree abandon. Living wildly, magically, and free. Be open to the wonders of the Universe flooding into your life. Innocence and delight are abounding. Happiness is on its way!
Your Native Spirit Wants You to Know: Almost every indigenous culture recounts stories of fairies (often called “little people”) and nature spirits. Although some of the fairies act in protection of their wild lands and should be treated with care and respect, most often they bring blessings and delight to all in their realm. This card welcomes you to a wellspring of joy and magic. Beneath the surface, mystical interventions are occurring in your life. Relax. All is well.
The Journey: Even taking a few moments of stillness in the natural world can help you attune to the world of the little people and nature spirits. If you see a small flash of light or a movement of a leaf on a windless day, these are often signs that the wee folk are near.
Native Spirit Oracle Cards by Denise Linn.
Card B – Balance stone Angel of Balance
Being Centered and Self-Honouring in Your Choices.
This loving presence holds a pitcher of liquid light in front of the pyramids, reminding you that a strong destiny relies on a solid foundation of personal balance and emotional equanimity. Although things may have been out of sync in the past, this card is telling you that a greater equilibrium is now coming to your life.
Remain conscious about how you are balancing your goals and your physical and emotional energy as well. Whenever you feel yourself getting off center or losing focus, call upon this beautiful angel and bring her intention into your heart center. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction, and the angel will guide you to a peaceful and centered approach.
This card could also mean that the Angel of Balance comes with a loving warning that something may be seriously out of proportion in your life. It could be an important emotional component, such as the lack of self-acceptance or self care. Remember, however, that when you put yourself last, the Universe will do likewise.
This card can oftentimes be a warning of lost energy, calling you to relax more, sleep more, or even just drink more water. Investigate how you may be out of balance in your time and energy regarding the externals and internals in your life. Perhaps you’ve been working too much or been too obsessed with relationships or money.
This loving angel can help bring you the courage and wisdom you need to break such toxic patterns. Meditate on the angel’s presents and visualize her pouring a beautiful liquid light all of your chakras, balancing them and bringing you peace. Remember that you always have power to bring things back into peaceful balance.
Affirmation: I live a balanced and centered life. As I care for myself, the Universe cares for me also.
Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor.
ð¦ Card A – Raye
Yoga and exercise are essential to your well-being, peace of mind, and spiritual growth right now.
You have received strong guidance to engage in yoga and other forms of exercise, and this card serves as additional validation. Physical movement is essential to realizing your dreams, desires, and intentions. It gives you the energy and vitality that will help you begin and complete your projects. It opens you up to new, creative ideas. And yoga cleanses and enlarges your chakra centres so that you can hear our Angelic guidance loud and clear. Yoga also allows a noisy mind to become quiet so that it can meditate and hear the voice of Heaven.
Although you may feel intimidated by yoga or exercise, I will help you smooth the way. If you ask me, I will help you tailor an exercise program to fit your schedule, interests, and fitness level. You will receive this guidance in the form of repetitive thoughts and feelings, and also through information about yoga and exercise that comes to you from ‘out of the blue’. I know that you’re a busy person, but I promise you that the increased level of energy you’ll feel after exercising will give you the equivalent of more hours in your day.
ð¦ Card B – Archangel Gabrielle
You have an important life purpose involving communication and the arts. Please don’t allow insecurities to hold you back. I will help you
I am with you as one of your guardian angels. You may wonder why an archangel is with you. I help many people simultaneously, and you are among them. I help those whose life purpose is in the arts or communication. I will help you polish and trust in your natural talents. Then I will open doors for you to express those talents in a way that will help others.
What I need from you in return is honesty and cooperation. Tell me all about your fears, your hopes, your confusion, your insecurities, and your dreams. Ask me to help you. And then, please walk through the doors of opportunity that I open for you. I am on your side completely! My function is to be your coach, and as such, I may prod you along. Please know that I am only pushing you because I know that you need a little boost from above.
ð¦ Card C – Isabella
Yes, the timing is right for this new venture. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations.
In answer to your question, yes, the situation is everything that you hoped it would be. It is still a good idea to keep your eyes open and pray for angelic assistance along the way. Even ideal situations require adjustments as you move forward. However, we angels foresee smooth sailing with this decision.
The opportunity is even more favorable because of the timing. Several pieces of the puzzle have now fallen into place. You have also learned some invaluable lessons that have prepared you. Your patience has paid off, and now it is time for you to reap the rewards. Take bold steps, while listening to the wise guidance of your heart as you move forward fearlessly.
ð¦ Card D – Caressa
You are at the end of a cycle in your life. Call upon your angels to comfort you, and to guide you to your next step. Happiness awaits you now.
You may feel sad, as if your heart is breaking, as a result of this ending. Allow yourself to cry and grieve, but know that we angels are near you right now. When you are ready, we will gently show you how this ending brings new blessings into your life. But for now the sadness that you feel may reveal new insights to you. It may inspire you to finish a project where you have been procrastinating, or to take better care of yourself, for example.
It is important for you to express your feelings during this time of transition. Either keep a journal, talk to trusted friends, join a support group, or discuss everything with us angels. The more that you can release, the freer that you will feel. Watch out for self-destructive tendencies, which can arise from misguided guilt. I will help you take excellent care of yourself during this transition if you will call upon me. Whenever you need a hug, just ask, and you will feel me envelop you with my wings.
Take a minute to quiet the mind, close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
Now, open your eyes and choose the card you are drawn to.
Take a minute to quiet the mind, close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
Now, open your eyes and choose the card you are drawn to and comment below.
CARD REVEAL tomorrow at 7pm EST.
Namaste ð